Using tc for QOS tropf ABSTRACT tc is rather complicated, so I built a wrap- per script around it. Here I elaborate a little on the background. 1. Introduction I built this script, initially for using a NFS via the same link that also provides services. As the services re- quire low latency, and the NFS has the potential to use the entire bandwidth without further notice the NFS traffic has to be restricted. 1.1. Used tools and terminology This script uses tc, which itself is an abbreviation for "traffic control". tc is a fairly complicated piece of software--which is appropiate for complicated scenarios, but simple scenarios (like this one) are thus not simple to im- plement. Its purpose is to reorder and drop packets if they exceed allowed quotas. For classification of packets ipta- bles is employed (not shown here at all), as I hope most people reading this already know how to use it. I will ignore the usual terminology sorrounding tc here, as I want to keep the barrier for understanding low. 1.2. Concept We have a link with a known capacity for outgoing ("egress") traffic (here: eth0 with 1 gbit/s). To assert control over the traffic, we limit the total available band- width to less than the total available bandwidth: this way we can decide which traffic is dropped, otherwise the link itself "decides". All traffic is then put into one of three different classes: High, medium and low priority traffic. By default traffic is medium priority. Each of these classes has a guaranteed minimum bandwidth. After the guaranteed minimum bandwidth has been assigned, the remaining bandwidth is split in an unspecified way, generally equally. 4 December 2020 -2- As the guaranteed minimum bandwidth is assigned without further checks, the sum of all guaranteed bandwidth must be less than the total available bandwidth. Inside the prior- ity classes all traffic is treated equally. Incoming traffic ("ingress") is not subject to any form of traffic control, as we can't really control how much traffic is sent to us anyways. And if it passes the link, it would be somewhat wasted to drop it and require the sender to send it again. 1.3. Notes on IPv6 Even though this is specified for IPv6, the server I created this for never gets any IPv6 traffic (people use IPv6 please, adding the AAAA-record was work). So I have not tested the suitability for IPv6 live. > Don't forget to add rules also for IPv6 when us- ing iptables. 1.4. Drawbacks Note that this just drops traffic and behaves like a unreliable link towards applications. But TCP should be able to deal with that. Also as already stated you have to limit the total bandwidth to less than your actually avail- able bandwidth, so you probably waste around 1% of your bandwidth. Please also consider this as a new component that can break and is rather difficult to debug. 2. The Script itself direct link <../blob/> > Don't forget chmod +x for all these here. 2.1. Full text 4 December 2020 -3- #!/bin/bash IFACE="eth0" RATE_TOTAL="970mbit" RATE_HIGH="900mbit" RATE_MEDIUM="50mbit" RATE_LOW="8mbit" # please refer to tc-u32(8) for format, rule VAL_MASK_16 # to use a single port use 0xffff read -r -d "" PORT_PATTERNS_HIGH << EOF 22 0xffff EOF read -r -d "" PORT_PATTERNS_LOW << EOF 80 0xffff 443 0xffff EOF # clear all qdiscs tc qdisc del dev $IFACE root 2> /dev/null > /dev/null # create a qdisc using htb and send traffic to 1:5 by default tc qdisc add dev $IFACE root handle 1: htb default 5 # define limits for 1: (all packets on $IFACE) tc class add dev $IFACE parent 1: classid 1:1 htb rate $RATE_TOTAL burst 64k # define limits for 1:3 (high prio) tc class add dev $IFACE parent 1:1 classid 1:3 htb rate $RATE_HIGH ceil $RATE_TOTAL burst 64k prio 0 # define limits for 1:5 (medium prio) tc class add dev $IFACE parent 1:1 classid 1:5 htb rate $RATE_MEDIUM ceil $RATE_TOTAL burst 64k prio 5 # define limits for 1:9 (low prio) tc class add dev $IFACE parent 1:1 classid 1:9 htb rate $RATE_LOW ceil $RATE_TOTAL burst 64k prio 9 # add sfq for all subclasses tc qdisc add dev $IFACE parent 1:3 handle 3: sfq perturb 10 tc qdisc add dev $IFACE parent 1:5 handle 5: sfq perturb 10 tc qdisc add dev $IFACE parent 1:9 handle 9: sfq perturb 10 # add filters for marked packets tc filter add dev $IFACE protocol ip parent 1: prio 0 handle 3 fw flowid 1:3 tc filter add dev $IFACE protocol ip parent 1: prio 0 handle 5 fw flowid 1:5 tc filter add dev $IFACE protocol ip parent 1: prio 0 handle 9 fw flowid 1:9 tc filter add dev $IFACE protocol ipv6 parent 1: prio 0 handle 3 fw flowid 1:3 tc filter add dev $IFACE protocol ipv6 parent 1: prio 0 handle 5 fw flowid 1:5 tc filter add dev $IFACE protocol ipv6 parent 1: prio 0 handle 9 fw flowid 1:9 # filters for high prio (executed before low prio matching) echo "$PORT_PATTERNS_HIGH" | while read PORT_PATTERN ; do echo "processing (high): $PORT_PATTERN" tc filter add dev $IFACE protocol ip parent 1: prio 0 u32 match ip sport $PORT_PATTERN flowid 1:3 tc filter add dev $IFACE protocol ipv6 parent 1: prio 0 u32 match ip6 sport $PORT_PATTERN flowid 1:3 4 December 2020 -4- done # filters for low prio (executes after high prio matching) echo "$PORT_PATTERNS_LOW" | while read PORT_PATTERN ; do echo "processing (low): $PORT_PATTERN" tc filter add dev $IFACE protocol ip parent 1: prio 0 u32 match ip sport $PORT_PATTERN flowid 1:9 tc filter add dev $IFACE protocol ipv6 parent 1: prio 0 u32 match ip6 sport $PORT_PATTERN flowid 1:9 done # remaining traffic is medium priority 2.2. Download with wget wget 2.3. From copy-paste Copy-paste this block into a file (here: /tmp/f)... H4sIAAAAAAAAA8VWXW/aMBR9z6+4C30AqRUBGtawUgltbK3Wjqpl2yNyEqexmsTUdvoh7cfv2iE0 QCmMTlukIOfa59xzP2xTe9f0Wdb0iYwt6+zz4OOwb1MVO7Z1NRgPJ+PReHDet733TuozNTOenn05 RZtTtV0MP519v+jbbtV4PvrZt48Kg1WDaUKJpCBoRAUoDio4yDvt+lEDIi70mxK1DyJPKPwYnE8u BtdfJ60uAnFtjkACkmU3ODvlQhnLsR7tQ8YBqUOcBOcEnMcIH0ugBQ4EHIRg23A5uhpPLgfj8fDq 27WJAI6PYTj6bLXbJUJ/vQrDeErUkVOiDg87CwQ1CFCMAJIkcBcyGUhLBcUIQprgew97JtMgOFfQ PoEm2ppZjoDK2DChGqUDL+C5jh9i5QPJQpAUf5QgUcQCnaJWzwX/Cfkjkifq2SkJwxWnMRJgIls9 wzaDgKt94gfLKCQsZUqayuCquo5mSoJbijaezbga2kmQECmXnUyJoJnSSDPNQhy2jC+hA9p7bi7w cyEVdA9v1znvQD1mNzFMBeNbeGxVXHaWXZrCB5QlL0swPsBZI8SFekpDlqe7SHGXpRQ7ZqMYd40Y D+oJf9hFibesRLf1Jhmero5ml9GdUaAbQua+oaVybbfNFXTKnuv0DMeUCpULH1rOZqxbYt0/x3ol 1lvBziKKWKKoKPKaEnFLw7LTNXsxu0IvuOIBT4BNK71edM88UIgeIMIiFa34NjJ3gcx9G5m3QIal 3YbtvvtXI32FbpdYX6Fbiba2UPL52QJ1+kiDXGH9fYozuOFmGwzbQgUxnr0NiwYxB3tv9Tqx4Rc8 xCzR9xveINUF8AFCbgE+BRplB1Sas9ycbI0eLBDaZu1WFYbVqPFKLfSaeWnuygX6aqW2dfRSequO upschTyjy5mfp7dMPJ5fkdbxXJINiceTa8e8o29M+3/Ku/ev8u7N8y5oSlimQy//MTAJldtMMPVk /QZFAFdRDQoAAA== ...and then extract it with: base64 -d /tmp/f | gzip -d > 3. Adjusting for your local setup 3.1. In the script Adjust the beginning areas. You should touch (and mod- ify): o IFACE to your interface with outgoing traffic 4 December 2020 -5- o RATE_TOTAL to the maximum amount of traffic that should flow (not 100% of your uplink, see above) o RATE_{HIGH|MEDIUM|LOW} to the guaranteed minimum band- width per priority class o PORT_PATTERNS_{HIGH|LOW} to the ports you want to use; maybe even delete all of the lines specifying ports and just use iptables. 3.2. Automatic execution Execute this script on startup. I use this systemd- unit: [Unit] Description=Traffic Control Custom Rules [Service] Type=oneshot ExecStart=/root/ [Install] 3.3. Classifying traffic For simple port-based rules you can add these in the script itself (copy the example lines). Otherwise build a iptables rule to match your desired packets and add at the end: -j MARK --set-mark {3|5|9} For high priority use mark 3, medium mark 5 and low mark 9. Usually those rules belong in the table mangle in the chain postrouting, though tc does not care about how exactly you marked your packets. > Keep in mind that iptables only works on IPv4 by default. > Don't forget to make your iptables rules persis- tent. 4 December 2020 -6- 4. See also o tc(8): man page of tc; also check the references there o Advanced Traffic Control in the Arch linux wiki : most comprehensive article on the matter I came across o Traffic Control HOWTO in the Linux Documen- tation Project: in-depth and complicated explanation of tc 4 December 2020