.TL Nix Cook Book .AU tropf .AB My personal recipes when using .URL "https://nixos.org/" "nix" "." .AE .DA . .NH 1 Intro .PP Nix refers to the operating system NixOS, the package manager and associated repository nixpkgs, and the functional language nix itself. I use all three, because I like its focus towards reproducability. .PP It declarative approach breaks with many habits and also tools, so in this document I attempt to make some notes how to tackle challenges I encountered in using nix. . .NH 1 Parameterized Packages in Flakes .PP To create multiple versions of the same package (derivation) with different parameters use \fCcallPackage\fR. Note the trailing \fC{}\fR to immedeately create a valid derivation. .CB mypkg = pkgs.callPackage ({doCheck ? false}: stdenv.mkDerivation rec { inherit doCheck; checkTarget = "test"; cmakeFlags = (if doCheck then [ "-DBUILD_TESTING=TRUE" ] else []); }) {}; mypkg_with_tests = selfpkgs.mypkg.override {doCheck = true;}; .CE . .NH 1 Include nix Include Dirs in Exported Compile Commands .PP When exporting cmake compile commands the nix-defined include dirs (extracted by querying g++) will not be included. You can manually add them with a (hacky) sed command. .NOTE "This modifies JSON with sed and is evil. Use at your own risk." .CB nix develop && cd build cmake -DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS=ON . sed -e "s,$(which g++),$(which g++) $(g++ -xc++ -E -Wp,-v /dev/null 2>&1 | sed -n \(aq/^ /{s/^ / -I/;H};${x;s/\\n//g;p}\(aq),g" -i compile_commands.json # note: this is maybe already called automatically by your editor rc -J . .CE . .NH 1 Creating Debuggable Builds .PP By default, nix will enable all sorts of optimizations/security options ("fortifications") in C/C++ programs. This can make debugging very hard, as it optimizes code out/reorders your code, even using .CW "Debug" cmake build type. .PP To disable these modifications set: .CW "hardeningDisable = [ \[dq]all\[dq] ]" .br In full context this may be used as such: .CB buildInputs = [ cmake gcc ] ++ (if doCheck then [ catch2 cmakeCurses gdb ] else []); cmakeFlags = (if doCheck then [ "-DBUILD_TESTING=TRUE" "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug" ] else []); hardeningDisable = if doCheck then [ "all" ] else []; .CE . .NH 1 Build without Tests, but Develop with Tests .PP You can specify different targets for .CW "nix build" and .CW "nix develop" such that they refer to different deviations: .CB defaultPackage.x86_64-linux = mypkg; devShells.x86_64-linux.default = mypkg_with_tests; .CE . .NH 1 Ensure Locales Exist .PP The CI infrastructure I use lacks some locales. When building plots etc., the font handling doesn't work due to these missing locales. Disturbingly, my local .CW "nix build" invocation finds the locales and looks completely fine, while the CI version does not. To fix this set the following variables inside the .CW "stdenv" invocation: .CB LOCALE_ARCHIVE = "${glibcLocales.override {allLocales = false; locales=["en_US.UTF-8/UTF-8"];}}/lib/locale/locale-archive"; LC_ALL = "en_US.utf8"; .CE . .NH 1 Load System Config From Flake .PP To investigate the configuration generated by a flake run (in the directory with the system's .CW "flake.nix" "):" .CB $ nix repl nix-repl> :lf . Added 13 variables. nix-repl> nixosConfigurations.kurt.config.programs.git.enable true .CE . .NH 1 nixos-shell Base Image .PP The command .CW nixos-shell spawns a shell with a nixos VM. One might view it as .CW "nix shell" on steroids. It is .URL "https://github.com/Mic92/nixos-shell/" "available on github" and can be installed directly through nixpkgs. (I.e., there is no extra option/module required.) .PP The following is a base configuration that I commonly use. It mounts the current directory under .CW "/mnt" "," configures .CW nix to enable flake support, and adds some packages. It includes a normal (non-root) user account (useful for the mount). .CB { pkgs, ... }: { boot.kernelPackages = pkgs.linuxPackages_latest; nixos-shell.mounts = { mountHome = false; extraMounts = { "/mnt" = ./.; }; }; users.users.mensch.isNormalUser = true; nix = { package = pkgs.nixUnstable; settings.trusted-users = [ "root" "user" ]; extraOptions = \(aq\(aq experimental-features = nix-command flakes \(aq\(aq; }; programs.git.enable = true; environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ moreutils tree jq htop ]; } .CE